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Sorry For the incovience
The linking issues will be fixed soon.

06.29.06 - Japan – This is a teaser of the update yet to come.

09.04.05 - SDZoo - San Diego has installed an EnTCo Wild Earth Simulator.

09.04.05 - SDWAP - San Diego Wild Animal park photo Gallery
*Added Bonus - Construction of the new Helium Balloon ride!

06.12.05 - San Diego Zoo - Nightime Zoo's Jewels of the Jungle live "aero- and acro-style" show.

06.12.05 - Belmont Park - Beach Blaster, now open a Belmont park.

01.08.05 - Universal Studios Orlando - Pictures from the Universl Studios Orlando park from January to October 2004 (No HHN Pictures).

01.05.05 - Las Vegas - Pictures from the Strip.

Other Demon Bird Sites - The site that started it all. Pictures and reports from Seaworld San Diego. - The complete anthology of park reviews and photos.

Demonbird Presents Knott's - Americas First themepark photos and reviews including the Halloween Haunt.

Demonbird Presents Disneyland - Let the magic carry you away in these photograhs and reports.

Demonbird Repots - North America is home to many wonderful parks and themed attractions, some of which can be found in these galleries ie. Universal Orlando, Walt Disney World, Six Flags Over Texas, Las Vegas, and more.



Japan Trip Teaser 2006
Taken -06.12.06 Tokyo

Taken -09.20.05 San Diego Wild Animal Park

Taken - 06.25.05 San Diego Zoo

Taken - 06.12.05 - Belmont Park

Taken 10.09.04 - Universal Studios Orlando

Taken - December 26, 2004 - Las Vegas


(c) 2004 -